Government Schemes

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Section 6 of the Social Integration and Empowerment Act 2016 establishes the eligibility criteria for a person to receive support. Section 6 is reproduced below:

“6. Persons eligible for support

 (1) Every person shall be eligible to receive support under an empowerment programme or scheme where – 

(a) he lives in absolute poverty; 

(b) his name is included in the Social Register of Mauritius; and 

(c) he meets such other eligibility criteria as may be prescribed. 

(2) In assessing the monthly income or combined monthly income of an adult or, as the case may be, the 2 or 3 adults living under the same roof referred to in the first column of the Schedule, the following shall be taken into consideration — 

(a) any income derived by any of them; 

(b) any social aid being received under the Social Aid Act by any of them and, as the case may be, by any child living under the same roof; 

(c) any pension being received under the Pensions Act by any of them; 

(d) his or their living conditions; and 

(e) such other financial aid received by any of them and, as the case may be, by any child living under the same roof. 

(3) Subject to subsection (4) or (5), where an applicant is the adult or, as the case may be, one of the adults referred to in the first column of the Schedule, and his assessed monthly income or, as the case may be, the combined assessed monthly income of the 2 or 3 adults living under the same roof is less than the corresponding amount specified in the second column of the Schedule, he shall be entitled to an amount of financial support which will top up for the monthly income so as to reach the amount specified in the second column, or to such other amount as may be prescribed. 

(4) An adult shall not be entitled to the financial support referred to in subsection (3) where another adult living under the same roof receives such financial support. 

(5) Notwithstanding subsection (3), the Minister may, by way of regulations, prescribe such other eligibility criteria for the obtention of financial support. 

(6) The Minister may, where he so determines, provide assistance in such form as may be appropriate to an applicant in lieu of, or in addition to, any financial support.”


[Sections 2 and 6]

ABSOLUTE POVERTY                                         (Rs)

One adult


One adult and one child


One adult and 2 children


One adult and 3 children


Two adults


Two adults and one child


Two adults and 2 children




Aide financière pour couler la dalle

Critères de subvention en vigueur depuis le 1er juillet 2018:

  • Aide maximale de Rs 100 000 aux familles ayant un revenu de base mensuel n’excédant pas Rs 10 000.
  • Aide maximale de Rs 70 000 aux familles ayant un revenu de base mensuel de plus de Rs 10 000 mais inférieur à Rs 15 000.
  • Aide maximale de Rs 50 000 aux familles ayant un revenu de base mensuel de plus de Rs 15 000 mais inférieur à Rs 20 000.

Critères d'éligibilité

  1. Le demandeur ne doit pas être dejà propriétaire d'un logement existant (sous dalle) d'une superficie de 100m² ou plus.
  2. Le revenu mensuel de base du ménage ne doit pas dépasser Rs10 000 pour une subvention maximale de Rs100 000,  doit être dans la tranche de Rs10 001 à Rs15 000 pour une subvention maximale de Rs70 000 et doit être dans la tranche de Rs15 001 à Rs20 000 pour une subvention maximale de Rs50 000 . Le demandeur doit produire les pièces justificatives de ses revenus.
  3. Le demandeur ne doit pas être déjà bénéficiaire du "Government Sponsored Loan" (GSL).
  4. Le demandeur doit produire le titre de propriété ou de bail du terrain ou le droit de surélévation selon le cas, ainsi qu'une copie du permis de construire délivré par l'Autorité concernée.
  5. Le déboursement des subventions s'applique aux maisons en construction (beam area) de 100m² ou plus mais inférieure à 150m². Le montant payable pour les maisons en construction (beam area) inférieures à 100m² sera calculé en proportion. Le paiement se fera après que l'inspecteur de la NHDC Ltd aura certifié que les poutres (beams) ont été coulées.
  6. La superficie totale de la maison existante (critère 1) et de la maison en construction (critère 5) doit être inférieure à 150m².
  7. L'aide financière s'applique aussi au remplacement d'une dalle irréparable (après vérification d'un ingénieur de la NHDC Ltd) ou au coulage d'une dalle à l'étage.
  8. La structure de la maison doit être conçue de manière afin de pouvoir aménager à terme un niveau supérieur pour accommoder une autre famille.
  9. Une unité complète de logement comprend une cuisine, une toilette, une salle de bain, une salle de séjour, une salle à manger et chambre(s) à coucher.
  10. La superficie du plan de la maison ne doit pas excéder 150m².
  11. Pour ceux touchant moins de (ou) Rs10,000 mensuellement la somme d’(es) emprunt(s) [loan(s)] contracté(s) ne doit pas dépasser  Rs500,000 et ceux touchant plus de Rs10 000 et moins de Rs20 000 mensuellement la somme d’(es) emprunt(s) [loan(s)] contracté(s) ne doit pas dépasser Rs750,000.

La procédure

  1. Toute famille désirant bénéficier de cette aide financière doit, avant la préparation de tout plan de construction, contacter la NHDC Ltd pour conseils et plus de renseignements avant de déposer sa demande.
  2. Le demandeur doit remplir un formulaire disponible à la NHDC Ltd et soumettre les documents suivants : 
    • Acte de naissance du demandeur et du conjoint,
    • Acte de mariage,
    • Carte d'identité nationale du demandeur et du conjoint,
    • Plan de la maison,
    • Titre de propriété du terrain,
    • Le permis de développement,
    • Le permis de construction,
    • Les fiches de paie les plus récentes et/ou autres justificatifs récents du revenu du ménage.

La NHDC Ltd procèdera ensuite à la vérification de l'éligibilité du demandeur.

Inspection du chantier et paiement

  1. Après vérification des documents et après que le demandeur aura informé la NHDC Ltd, par le biais du ‘Beam Advice’, que les poutres ont été complétées, une visite du chantier sera effectuée par l'inspecteur de la NHDC Ltd pour mesurer la superficie de la maison en construction (beam area).
  2. Le paiement sera par la suite effectué par la NHDC Ltd, uniquement si le demandeur respecte tous les critères d’éligibilité susmentionnés.
  3. Pour enregistrer la demande, veuillez se présenter en personne au bureau de la NHDC (Slab Unit) avec tous les documents relatifs en original et en copie.
    Les originaux seront retournés.


Le formulaire d’application est disponible sur l’address suivant de la NHDC:


Provide grants to low income families for the purchase of a water tank of capacity 400 to 1000 litres.

Criteria for Eligibility

(i) Gross family income should not exceed Rs 50,000 per month. Family income includes income of head of household and spouse living under the same roof. Old age pension is not included in the computation of gross family income.

(ii) The applicant should be aged 18 years and above.

(iii) The applicant should be the owner, landlord or tenant provided that the building where the water tank is installed is a principal place of residence.

(iv) The house where the water tank will be installed shall not be owned by a government authority/ local authority.

(v) The applicant should be the purchaser of the tank.

(vi) Each family will be eligible to only one grant for the purchase of one water tank.

(vii) The applicant should be a registered customer of the Central Water Authority.

(viii) Applicants on the Social Register are automatically eligible for the grant and do not have to produce any proof of income.  

More information is available from the following website 

Information and Criteria 

The amount of the financial assistance of this new Scheme depends on the household income of the applicant. This Scheme will not apply to households deriving a monthly income of more than Rs 22,500/- and will be subject to the following established criteria as from 26 October 2015:

Gross Household Income                                       Maximum Assistance

Less than Rs 13,500                                                     Rs 65,000 

Between Rs 13,501 to Rs 17,500                                 Rs 50,000 

Between Rs 17,501 to Rs 22,500                                 Rs 35,000 

The eligible applicant shall contribute for the amount in excess of the above threshold for CEB to undertake relevant works.

The other conditions that apply to the Scheme are as follows: 

(i) It would be exclusively applicable, only once, to a domestic consumer who is a first time owner of a house. 

(ii) An application for assistance should be submitted to the CEB on the prescribed form, available at any CEB Customer Services Centre. 

(iii) The applicant should have the appropriate Building and Land Use Permit on his/her name.

(iv) The Scheme does not cover CEB Security Deposit and Connection Fee. 

It is to be stressed that this Scheme does not apply to Land Parceling projects, illegal parceling of lands, squatters, religious and charitable institutions. 

Documents to produce

The following documents need to be produced when submitting the application form:

(i) Applicant’s latest salary slip and a copy thereof. A copy of the salary slip of the Applicant’s spouse must also be submitted; where applicable, with an affidavit certifying the household monthly income (a specimen copy is available at any CEB Customer Services Centre).

(ii) In case of a self-employed individual/pensioner, an affidavit certifying the household monthly income (a specimen copy is available at any CEB Customer Service Centre).

(iii) Identity Card of the Applicant and a copy thereof.

(iv) CEB claim letter and a copy thereof. 

(v) Two copies of Building and Land Use Permit. 

(vi) Title Deed and a copy thereof.


Eligibility criteria

• The client and his/her partner should not already be owners or co-owners of a housing unit or a plot of land.

• The client and his/her partner should not have, in the past, been a lessee on a state land plot, or benefitted from a grant of the NHDC Ltd to cast a roof slab or buy building materials

• The basic salary of the couple or the applicant should be between Rs. 6,200 to Rs. 20,000.


• Any person wishing to benefit from this a social housing unit should call at the Marketing & Sales department of the NHDC Ltd, with the following documents:

• The following documents should be submitted in original + one copy

- Birth certificate of applicant and partner

- Marriage certificate

- National Identity Card of applicant and partner

- Most recent pay slips or proof of earnings of the household

- Latest bank or PEL statement

- Proof of address

- Divorce decree (in case of divorce) 

- Death certificate (in case of death of spouse)

• Any applicant with revenue of less that Rs. 10,000 must produce an attestation from the Social Register of Mauritius.

• Any applicant with children must produce the relevant birth certificates as well as the student pass of the children.

• Co-applicants without any revenue should show proof of same by way of an affidavit, medical certificate or a letter from an ex-employer.

Other conditions

• A minimum deposit of 10% of the total sale price is needed. The total deposit will vary based on the age and revenue of the applicant.

• Monthly repayment should not represent more than 30% of the applicant’s income.

Payment facilities

• Repayment facilities may be granted over a period of up to 30 years at an annual interest rate of 5% for the first 5 years, 8% over the next 5 years and 10% over the next years till full repayment.

State subsidy

The State grants subsidies on the rice of the social housing units based on the revenue of the buyer as follows:

Monthly revenue of buyer


Rate of Subsidy


Subsidized Price of Housing Unit (Rs.)

6 200 – 10 000


 380 000

10 001 – 15 000


 570 000

15 001 – 20 000


 912 000


More information is available from the following website  




(a) Taxi fare is refunded for university students with severe disabilities who cannot travel by ordinary means of transport.

(b) Payment is made on the basis of attendance submitted by University. 

Documents to be produced: 

Beneficiaries should produce the following to the Disability Unit:-

(a) Medical Certificate 

(b) Birth Certificate 

(c) ID of parent

(d) Pension Card, if any

(e) Bank Account No 




Eligibility criteria

(a) Persons with disabilities are entitled to duty-free facilities to purchase adapted cars subject to the following criteria:

(i) The vehicles they intend to purchase should be adapted to their disability.

(ii) They should use it as an "outil de travail"; and

(iii) They should hold a valid driving license.

(b) As from 16 June 2012, the Excise (Amendment of Schedule) Regulations 2012 provides for the granting of a concessionary rate of excise duty of 15% on a motor car not exceeding 1,450 CC once in 7 years to:- 

(i) a deaf or blind person with disability of 60% and above who is in gainful employment; and

(ii) a parent/legal guardian of a disabled person -

• with permanent orthopedic disability;

• having severe mobility problem; and

• heavily dependent on others for activities of a daily living. 

The motor car must be a specially adapted one for the conveyance of a disabled person as determined by the Medical Board of the Ministry.

Interested parties should make an application in their own handwriting to the Mauritius Revenue Authority (MRA), with copy to the Disability Unit of the Ministry.


1. Financial support for overseas treatment

2. Air ticket for patient going for treatment overseas, and accompanying person

3. Support to patient of incurable diseases

4. Support to patient of cancer and other severe diseases (Lupus, renal failure, etc)

5. Support for the purchase of expensive drugs not available in government hospitals

6. Support to patients needing oxygen therapy at home

7. Subsistence allowance to Rodriguan patients sent for medical treatment in Mauritius

8. Support for the purchase of assistive devices (e.g electrical wheelchair)

9. Refund of university/ HSC/SC fees

10. Repatriation of mortal remains

11. Support to families where there is multiple births

12. Calamities


1. Inmate allowance

2. Pension scheme for unemployed/self-employed

3. Survivor’s pension

4. Constant attendant allowance

5. Allowance to discharged prisoners

6. Assistance to twins and triplets

7. Support for dentures

8. Refund of taxi fares for students with severe disabilities

9. Respite care programme

10. Concessionary airfare for people with disability

11. Duty free facilities for vehicles for people with disabilities


1. Assistance to victims of accidents, injuries or severe hardship; and

2. Financial support to persons and organizations engaged in activities for a good cause in the public interest.


1. Special Collaborative Programme for women and children in distress, funding projects of NGOs to up to Rs. 2M.


1. Scholarships to children of artisanal and banks fishermen 

2. Compensation for accidental death at sea

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